
School year: first master year, second semester & second master year, second semester.

Time range

School year: first master year, second semester.

In the “Mobile and Pervasive Computing” course, we’d get a hands-on introduction to basic electronics and Arduino. Then, we’d have to come up with a cool idea and execute on it in pairs. I worked with Jens Bruggemans..

We decided to build something like Monome, but:

Time range

School year: first master year, first semester.

Time range

School year: first master year, first semester.

For the “Data mining” course, we had to build a quantitative association rule miner for 20% of the grades of the course. It had to mine for 3 types of quantitative association rules, given a minimum support threshold:

Time range

School year: third bachelor year, first semester.

This is from the days when the iPhone was still a niche thing — it had only been available in Belgium for a few months when this project started. Windows Mobile was still very big, as were PDA’s. Smartphones were a very rarely sighted thing.

Time range

School year: third bachelor year, first semester.

Time range

School year: second bachelor year, second & third term.

Time range

School year: second bachelor year, second term.

As one would expect, our Operating Systems course also covered threading, amongst others. The project for this course was short, but not trivial (at least, not at the time). We had to create a light-weight userspace threading library, with a round-robin scheduling algorithm, that dealt with creating and destroying threads, but also context switching.

This provided deep insight into an OS’s callstack.

Time range

School year: second bachelor year, first term.

Time range