So what was DDD Ghent like?
- 137 issues across all projects
- 52 of the 137 (38%) for core, of which 7 already fixed
- 19 of the 52 (37% of core, or 14% of total) on CKEditor 5, 3 already fixed (all discovered at DDD, 2 of which for upgrade path)
- 16 of the 19 discovered at DDD
I’m especially interested in sprinting on the CKEditor 5 module for Drupal core, since that’s what I am currently working on for Acquia, because that is one of the biggest must-haves/blockers for Drupal 10. 86% of issues worked on at DDD Ghent was not CKEditor 5, so … I’m hoping others will do blog posts similar to this one! :D