How to easily set up key-based SSH authentication
You want to set up key-based authentication so you can ssh into a server without entering that pesky password over and over again?
You want to set up key-based authentication so you can ssh into a server without entering that pesky password over and over again?
Jacob Singh did a presentation at DrupalCon London about
I keep all my Drupal sites up-to-date by updating a single Drupal core instance and one install profile.
It has bothered me since day one at university that I can only use the university’s SMTP server.
For several courses at the university, we’ve got projects going on (actually, 5 simultaneously…) and for most of them, we have to w
Is it also for you a routine to look up the documentation for Drupal hooks at
Add these lines to your ~/.bash_profile if you’re using the Bash shell: