
School year: first master year, second semester & second master year, second semester.

Time range

School year: first master year, second semester.

In the “Mobile and Pervasive Computing” course, we’d get a hands-on introduction to basic electronics and Arduino. Then, we’d have to come up with a cool idea and execute on it in pairs. I worked with Jens Bruggemans..

We decided to build something like Monome, but:

Time range

School year: first master year, first semester.

Time range

School year: first master year, first semester.

Time range

School year: first master year, first semester.

For the “Data mining” course, we had to build a quantitative association rule miner for 20% of the grades of the course. It had to mine for 3 types of quantitative association rules, given a minimum support threshold:

Time range

School year: third bachelor year, first semester.

This is from the days when the iPhone was still a niche thing — it had only been available in Belgium for a few months when this project started. Windows Mobile was still very big, as were PDA’s. Smartphones were a very rarely sighted thing.

Time range

School year: third bachelor year, first semester.

Time range

School year: second bachelor year, second & third term.

Time range