API-First Initiative Update (DrupalCon Baltimore)
As part of working in Acquia’s Office of the CTO, I’ve been working on the API-First Initiative for the past year. Where are we at?
As part of working in Acquia’s Office of the CTO, I’ve been working on the API-First Initiative for the past year. Where are we at?
In my job at Acquia, I’ve been working almost exclusively on Drupal 8 core. In 2012–2013 I worked on authoring experience (in-place editing, CKEditor, and more).
Hasselt University Professor Frank Neven asked me to come and talk a bit about my experience in open source, and how it helped me.
Did you know that often the majority of the time spent generating a HTML page is spent on a few dynamic/uncacheable/personalized parts?
This talk covers everything in BigPipe (the webinar I did a few weeks ago was only an introdu
Acquia frequently does webinars and given my work on BigPipe, I was asked to present with Fabien Potencier (of
Together with Fabian Franz from Tag1 Consulting, I had a session about Big Pipe in Drupal 8, as well as related performance/cacheability improvements.
Drupal 8 has comprehensive knowledge about the cacheability of the things it renders. This opens new doors.
Update September 24, 2015: the fastest Drupal ever is no longer near, it is here!
In Drupal 8, we’ve significantly improved the way pages are rendered. This talk explains the entire render pipeline, in some detail. But it also covers: