I recently had my site redesigned (and that’s still in flux), but I also had a logo designed. Since I’m very much fond of llamas, I decided my logo would be a llama. (That one sits at the bottom of every page and greets you on the front page.) It was drawn by Ine Spee, whom has recently moved to the U.K. but is actually a fellow citizen of my hometown of Hasselt, Belgium.
A few weeks ago, a bank clerk told me I should get a personalized card soon if I wanted it for free… A happy coincidence of events later, and I now have a llama bank card! :)
It seems I’ve started an “Awesome Bank Card Saga”, since this is my second one already — back in 2008, I got a Drupal bank card! :)
The design

The result

Nice one. That reminds me that I also have to ask for a new card with my new logo on. ;-)
Does your love for Llamas mean we’ll be seeing LOLllamas in your Spark presentations in the future (cf. Jeff Eaton’s LOLcats) or have I already missed that?
You have not missed that and I will actually do my best to get the LOLllama movement going! :D :)
Thanks for the excellent suggestion and for making me smile :)