This weekend on Sunday, February 7, we’ll have a full day of Drupal talks at the 10th edition of FOSDEM, Europe’s biggest, free-est and open-est software conference.
FOSDEM, is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. The Drupal project was granted a developer room at FOSDEM to do exactly that: to share knowledge about Drupal.
The presentations schedule for the Drupal devroom features interesting speakers such as Robert Douglass, Károly Négyesi, Roel de Meester and Kristof van Tomme and even more interesting subjects as mobile device design, AHAH, eID and Views 3. Everyone is invited to attend the presentations.
I will be talking about page loading performance once again. My presentation will be similar to the one I gave at DrupalCon Paris 2009, but extended with the goals for CDN integration module 2.0 and a look forward of what I’ll work on for my master thesis.
Last but most definitely not least, Joeri Poesen will show off the File Conveyor set-up he uses for a powerful integration with a CDN (which was written as part of my bachelor thesis).